

Media Roundup: A Poignant Ted Talk, A Match Made in Hollywood Heaven, and More...

Image courtesy of Jeff Sheldon and

This week's media roundup is a bit shorter than normal because I just started a new part time contracting gig for Agros International and my schedule is a bit chaotic right now. Which leads me to one of my favorite videos this week...

1. Can We All "Have it All?" 

This Ted Talk by Anne-Marie Slaughter hits on so many important and relevant issues having to do with work/life balance, gender roles, and equality. These issues really resonate for me as I have recently been taking on some new challenges personally and professionally and I've been wrestling with the reality that something has to give if I want to work full time, take care of our home, and be a good friend and puppy mom :). The idea that care giving and bread winning are equally important to human flourishing and shouldn't necessarily be defined as "women's work" and "men's work" is refreshing. 

I don't agree with everything she has to say being that I believe the Bible has more to say on what our identity should be and how that should inform equality in the work place and at home, but the idea that we should move away from a "feminist revolution and towards a humanist revolution" is spot on. Here is a great quote from her that I really loved:

" We have to value family every bit as much as we value work and we should entertain the idea that doing right by those we love will make all of us better at everything we do." (15:20)

Do yourself a favor and carve 15 minutes out of your day to watch this video and breathe a sigh of relief that you can't have it all... and that's ok. 

2. Unlocking the Millennial Mystery

Being a millennial on the job hunt is no cake walk. Not only is it crazy competitive, but according to this infographic there are some stereotypes that follow us around making it even harder to convince employers to hire us.

Mashable paints a not so clear picture here about where the disconnect is, but it's good to know I'm not crazy or alone in the struggle. Well, maybe I'm a little crazy, but at least I'm not alone. 

3. Achieving Balance and Productivity While Working From Home

Working from home is amazing most of the time. But sometimes it's really tough. Especially when there's dirty dishes sitting 10 feet away from your work space and your dog just peed on the floor and you your favorite show just came on but your working on a deadline and you know you shouldn't break away from your work to watch it. 

There's some helpful tips in this article for navigating all of that while still being productive in your own home. I personally really enjoy the freedom of working from home, but I find myself struggling with keeping up the motivation and productivity too, so this article brings some helpful perspective. I hope it's enlightening for you too, even if you work out of on office there's some good things to glean here.

4. Steven Spielberg and Jennifer Lawrence Team Up On War Photographer Biopic

To shift gears entirely... Let's just be honest, the idea of Spielberg and Lawrence joining forces to make a movie is a match made in Hollywood Heaven. The famed actress will be directed by Spielberg in a new movie based on the life of Linsey Addario, a photojournalist who specializes in war photography. Pretty badass. 

Put this on your "must watch" list if your a fan of good photography. Or film. Or feminist issues. Or pretty much anything awesome.

Does anything from this edition of the roundup catch your eye? I want to hear about it in the comments below!

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