

Anticipation for Fall and Summer in Review

Summer is over and along with it my desire to fly by the seat of my pants every day and just take whatever life throws at me. 

Isn't it neat how the seasons and the weather frame life's rhythms? That's at least how I have come to think about it. The Fall is my favorite time of year. When I was a student I always looked forward to the beginning of a new school year, new classes, new opportunities, a fresh start. Maybe it's just because I'm only a year out of college, but I still think of the Fall as the start of a "new year" even though technically January has dibs on New Years and new year resolutions and all that stuff. 

Since moving to Seattle I've had to adapt a bit to a different way of life. We get rainy/grey days for much of the calendar year, (typically November through April or May) but in return we get some of the most beautiful seasons. Summer and Fall are by far the best though. 

After losing my job in June I decided to take a couple of months off to recover from a long tiring season and just enjoy the weather, the beautiful city, and my friends. My days were mostly filled with house projects, visiting with friends, and laying out in the sun. It was pretty fantastic. 

After August came and went I dove headlong into job searching while still keeping a few side jobs on my plate. Mostly blogging and a bit of account management for a friend's startup. Job searching might be one of the worst necessary evils that exists. Especially for a young professional who wants to work in marketing. It turns out that everyone and their mom wants to work in marketing. Who knew?

Thankfully my husband landed an incredible job right around the time I lost mine and so I have had a lot of freedom to take my time and find a job I really want. I have emailed and met with a lot of people over the last few weeks trying to figure out what God has for me in terms of my career, but nothing has turned up and for a while I was really anxious about it. Finally after about a month of searching I came to the realization that I don't need to drive myself into the ground trying to find something. I can see this as an opportunity, not a burden. 

Around the same time I had this realization my good friend contacted me asking if I could watch their one-year-old son a couple of days a week. They were in serious need of help after their child care option fell through at the last minute. Even though babysitting hasn't been at the top of my "dream job" list I felt like it was the right thing to do. I still have time to find a permanent job, but I get to hang out with an adorable little boy and help my friend in the process.

So, my Fall schedule is starting to shape up and I have a lot of peace about what the next few months will look like. I am really excited to see what is in store. 

I took some time off from blogging as well to revamp my blog: change the design and refocus my goals. I am really happy with the design changes and rebrand! I feel that the new title is a better reflection of my life and what I want to write about (check out my About Me page!) I hope to write more often and continue to make improvements to this blog as it is much like the rest of my life: a work in progress.

As I mentioned, my summer was a blast and there were a few highlights that I want to share. I can't wait to jump into the Fall and enjoy all it has to offer, but before I do that, here is my summer in review...

I ate a lot of this:

I saw a lot of my favorite people:

I visited the beach and the mountains:

My sister came to Seattle!

I celebrated my 24th birthday with kayaks, paddle boards, and smooches from my hubby.

I reconnected with old friends and JD made a new one:

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