

My scary new project

It's really scary to put yourself out there. I've let fear hold me back too often, especially when it comes to my writing. Being worried about what people will think of my work and how they might judge me has held me back from putting my writing out there in the past, but I don't want fear to hold me back from doing something I love so much. It turns out it's hard to be a good writer when you're afraid.

I'm pretty sure my new frames will give me writing super powers

I've been making small steps since college to put my stuff out there and grow more and more as a writer and an artist. Besides trying to find opportunities to write at my day job, I've also been picking up freelance work on the side and of course, writing for my blog. N
ow, in the scariest leap so far, I'm taking a big step by marrying my passion for writing and film by writing a screenplay!

My idea for my screenplay came from time spent with my Abuela Lupe. It's amazing when you take the time to hear the stories from the people who are already in your life, how much you learn. As she's shared more of her story with me, I've become more convinced that other people need to hear it too. It's been shocking to learn all of things that have happened to her and the challenges she's overcome. It's an honor for me to tell her story. And it's privilege to preserve my Hispanic heritage in this way.

There are countless stories of immigrants moving to the United States and walking through some of the same challenges. I think we need to hear more of these stories. I'm a little over two weeks into the project. I'm following the 60 Day program from Screencraft, and I'm loving it so far!

It's scary to think about what happens next, but for now I'm just enjoying the process. I'll share my process and maybe even some excerpts along the way. I also have a trip planned in a few months to Mexico City (where I grew up) and Guadalajara (where my grandma grew up) to immerse myself even more in the story and do some research. I can't wait! Thanks for following me on this scary and exciting journey.


  1. I'm so proud of you!!!! Shay and I have been writing a screenplay too and has been really helpful for me figuring out how to deal with the technical aspects of it all. SO EXCITED FOR YOU and I can't wait to read it!

    1. Yes! I forgot about that. Shay told me about it when I saw him in Austin. Thanks for the resource. Let's stay in touch and I'd love to get your feedback/notes along the way. Miss you guys!
