

Media Roundup: Apps to Simplify Your Life, Quirky Thanksgiving Day Workouts, Daniel Radcliff Raps, and More

Happy Monday! Only 10 days until Thanksgiving and 45 days until Christmas! And as the famous meme goes, "hang in there baby!"

I am not someone who likes to play Christmas music before Thanksgiving. I really want to get excited for Turkey day and then get excited for Christmas. If I don't pace myself I will get overwhelmed with all of the holiday madness and all that there is to do. But that's just me :)

Even though I'm not blasting the Christmas tunes yet, I am still anxiously anticipating the holiday season as I'm sure you all are. Here is a little pre-holiday funk to peruse while you try to stay on task and force yourself to be productive even though time off is on the horizon.

1. 8 Apps to Help you Get More Done in Less Time

Speaking of productivity, I found this article from Mashable to be extremely helpful in identifying some good digital tools to help you save some time and work towards achieving a healthy work/life balance -- an issue I know I am constantly dealing with.

The research has already been done, so the only question is, which app, if any, works best for you?

2. Quirky Thanksgiving Workouts

I personally associate Thanksgiving with overeating delicious food and then laying on the couch (or ground) moaning about how much I overate, but I guess there are people out there who look for ways to get some exercise on Thanksgiving. Again, I am not one of those people.

I had to mention the article though because Seattle is on the list of cities that offers quirky workouts on Thanksgiving Day. A full marathon is apparently offered through the streets of Seattle. I must not have known about it because I was indoors. Eating mashed potatoes and gravy. :)

3. Daniel Radcliff Raps

You probably had no idea that Harry Potter is also a rapping wizard, and so prepare for your mind to be blown by the magic you are about to witness in this video.

4. 31 Ways to Be Creative

No matter what you do, working towards being a more creative individual both personally and professionally can be a benefit for a number of reasons, some of which are mentioned in this article.

Maybe in your time off in the next couple of weeks you want to tackle a project that you haven't had time for. Whatever you plan to do, get out there and create!

5. Helpful Tips for a Job Interview

I know this post is a bit selfish and mostly directed at me. Actually I know that it is :) 

I am in the throws of job searching right now and am walking through the dreaded interview stage. Or at least I dread it. There are some weirdos out there (like my husband) who likes to interview. Whether you love it or hate it, check out these helpful interview tips from Mashable.

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